Wednesday, November 26, 2008

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How are blogs affecting organizations?

Blogs have become the new medium for the voices of the masses. Many people use blogs to voice their opinions, stay in contact with each other, and share ideas. Most internet surfers have some experience with blogs through casual surfing. They may stumble upon these blogs for entertainment or news value. For example here are some popular blogs that you may have frequented:

But from an organizational view blogs can be both a blessing and a curse.

Blogs can benefit an organization by keeping its members in touch and up to date on the organizations operations. Employees and customers can also provide the company with feedback through this more personal facade.

The double edged sword of blogs is that sometimes employees who have blogs may compromise the organization by posting harmful or damaging information on the web. This story from Wired talks about the problems faced by the American army, which has had problems with soldiers posting too much combat related information on their blogs. Other organizations have had problems with employees who bad mouth their own company on their blogs.

So we can see that blogs have advantages and disadvantages when it comes to how much and what kind of information is being spread on the internet. Blogs are certainly here to stay and the question all companies have to address is how they will deal with them.

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